Hey, I hate asking, I am a total stranger, but I need prayers so, so badly right now. Just... I am desperate, and don't know what to do.

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Hi hello! What is the link for the car detective piece? I tried clicking on the newsletter link but it went to an ingrown hair video on YouTube and I was almost extremely traumatized first thing in the morning, lololol

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I have a standing deal with a much younger cousin and my goddaughter that they can call/text me and ask or tell me anything and I’ll be honest and will keep it to myself unless I’m worried they’ll hurt themselves or others. I’ll probably ask my sister if I can make the same offer to my nephews when they get older. When my cousin asked me about pot, I was honest about what I did, why, and then why I stopped. The last part was key, I think. She’s asked me tons of things over the years. I got the idea from Gene Weingarten of WaPo - he and his now ex-wife designated friends of theirs that the kids could go to with questions they didn’t want to ask their parents.

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Man, that Joe Ford car theft thing fills all my New Orleans girl, heist fan longings at once. SO GOOD.

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I've loved that Annie Lennox song since Serendipity and it remains one of my absolute favorites.

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*races in* SOMEBODY TALKING ABOUT MINDHUNTER? I am a new Bill Trench stan, I liked him a lot last season but this season he's really in my heart. I have one episode to go, I wanted to try to find more to read on the Atlanta child murders before I watch how they decide to wrap it up. I've been crying much more this season - I don't remember crying when I watched the first season but this one's focus on victims has been very emotional. I'm glad they're doing it.

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