Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

There’s a rooster that lives on my block (he’s a very fancy Welsummer). It’s illegal to own a rooster in city limits although it’s not like he *belongs* to anyone, and there’s one dude in our neighborhood Facebook group who has taken it upon himself to get animal control to pick up the rooster. However, the rooster obviously wanders and animal control needs the address where the animal actually is when they respond or it’s not their problem. This has led to a series of increasingly frustrated posts where the guy is like “Where is the rooster during the day?!” and all the responses are just “I like the rooster,” and “I’m not gonna narc on Beauregard,” and it has been an immense joy in my life. This has been rooster story time. I hope you are all doing as well as could be hoped right now.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

In the middle of all of this I got a job offer (after graduating from an occupational therapy program in Dec. and taking my board exam in Feb). It's at a school for kids with emotional disabilities and autism. Of course, schools are closed now, so we're talking about me working on the inpatient unit that's affiliated with the organization until schools open again. I want to celebrate but it feels silly, I"m thinking about what I should do, and it's all so surreal. But I just wanted to say it all out loud and celebrate just a tiny bit.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

The four-year-old in self-isolation in the apartment building across the street shouted "I love you, Anna!" to our four-year-old and she shouted "I love you too!" and I feel like we have dibs to "Love in a Time of Coronavirus."

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I work tomorrow (at Starbucks) and then I have a month off, paid! THE SHAMING WORKED.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I defended my dissertation! So I've just been riding that high / feeling like the PhD years have adequately trained me for: staying indoors, dealing with vast swathes of unstructured time, feelings of guilt about not being productive enough, fits of anxiety & existential terror

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I work for a statewide medical association and it’s been such a rough week but our doctors and health care workers are HEROES and are working round the clock to fight this thing. Our govt is inept so we are getting inventive, figuring out ways to get workers PPE, increase telemedicine services, transfer coronavirus patients to outpatient facilities that have stopped elective procedures, etc. Some ER physicians I know are opting to stay in hotels bc they don’t want to risk bringing the virus home to their family but they won’t stop taking care of their patients.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I’m “presumptive positive” and feeling worse today and trying not to panic (and failing?)? My husband and I have been quarantined for 7 days, and I was hoping the worst was over. He has an autoimmune so I am extra concerned.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

Upside to this isolation? Bras are over. Also over: uncomfortable shoes (or shoes at all but please do wear slippers because another thing that's over is the emergency room when you step on a rusty thumbtack), makeup, handbags, pants. I have been listening to the BBC's Countryside Hour podcast every day and it is so soothing to hear an English farmer talk about owls and badger procreation and planting timothy hay. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02tfhrt

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

As we swing into the weekend and many of us have our first time off since WFH and isolation started, I just want to remind everyone to be gentle with themselves. It's okay to feel sad, overwhelmed, panicky, and anything else you may be feeling. This is a life changing event we're experiencing right now, and grief is totally normal. Give yourself time to process everything. Love and light to everyone. 💕

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I got tipsy and told some guy I’ve never met that I have a crush on him and now we’re texting. From our separate homes where we will stay.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I know almost everyone is struggling in one way or another right now but, if you can, send good vibes or a prayer my family's way on Monday because of [medical thing unrelated to covid-19].

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

Hope y'all are hanging on. My day job (and now all the time job) involves *the thing*. And today is the first day in like 3 weeks I'm just trying to breath. Hope everyone has found a way to make some space for just staring at a wall. Blankness is a gift right now.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I’m a psychologist working in a hospital, so still going in to work (though getting ready for telework soon) so I’m kind of in a different rhythm than many (including my family who are all home now) and it’s very odd sometimes. Also, at work I think I’m mostly helping my colleagues since we’re having most patients stay home, and phone support is a different thing. This seems like a place I can share that. Oh!! And here’s where I can DEFINITELY share that I’m watching Schitts creek at last, with delight, and just saw Patrick sing to David at open mic and my HEART ! The good in this world, I don’t even know

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I'm staying in my parents' basement in their nearby city as my husband came back from a work trip 7 days ago and is staying in our large studio. (We live in Canada) My fear is that at some point I won't be able to return to him. Also my mom is starting to get into it about my weight and my pronunciation of words (I'm anglo but have been working in French for years). Ugh.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

Thank you all for your prayers/wishes/etc earlier last week. My father's stable and I'm visiting him today! I'll keep the appropriate 5 ft distance of course.

Today is also my sister's birthday, and although we can't go out to eat like she wants, it's enough for me to just be together for a while. I hope y'all are doing as well as you can.

Anyone else working on sewing projects in quarantine?

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

We just found out last night that the lone death from covid-19 in our entire state was a man who lived in my mother's apartment building. The sad, overwhelmed panicking has set in for real.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

My dad's an ER doctor, 59 years old, and I can't quite wrap my head around how frightening that is? I feel sort of numb.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I feel so lucky that I can do my job from home so continue to get paid through this indefinite crisis. But also sometimes it feels very weird that my job is just continuing as before, without interruption? Like, I have a performance review this week. What is that even about? We are staying healthy and keeping the lights on and that is all that anyone can expect right now!

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

That's going to be all of us after months with no salon access.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I was compelled to buy a thermometer today for the first time in my whole entire life because my seasonal allergies have arrived (right on time) but I feel like I need... I dunno, evidence?... that I don’t have COVID19. Despite the fact that the symptoms of both are nothing alike, and in fact polar opposites: I don’t have a fever or cough or fatigue, but what I *do* have is a stuffy nose & itchy watery eyes.

But somehow I still feel very self conscious about it and have been taking my temp over and over. It’s always 36.4-36.6 C.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

He *needs* a puka shell necklace.

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I applied to foster animals since I'm, you know, home 24/7 now. Shelters here are in the position of having more willing humans than animals to place at the moment, so it might not happen, but at the very least, I'm in the shelter's foster Facebook group now so I get to see a ton of good good dog pictures.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

You guys you guys, I need you all to watch the new Emma directed by Autumn de Wilde. It is utterly perfect and Bill Nighy is in it having the time of his life, and it was the perfect distraction.

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Today I’m getting ready to watch my friend’s wedding over livestream. I am sad that we can’t be there in person, but I’m looking forward to dressing up and celebrating her from afar. I keep waffling this week between sadness, frustration, stoicism, optimism, and gratitude...but I think right now I’m somewhere between sad and grateful. I’m really glad I bought a bunch of plants a few weeks ago!

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I had a dream last night we met in real life and you found me super boring and awkward. You were wearing a fabulous purple beaded caftan, and looked great, though.

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Mar 22, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

Just needing a little electronic hug.

(Work in the grocery industry as does one of my children.)

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My union health insurance announced that they are waiving our next quarter’s premiums, which is a huge load off my shoulders as I work in theater and will be unemployed for the foreseeable future. I was laid off but my theater offered to pay us all through the end of our contracts; my final paycheck will be next week. So I’ve been spending some time scrounging for online work (I do not wish to get a temporary grocery job simply because I have elderly parents I am helping take care of, so I want to minimize risk.)

One bright spot is my friends have started doing Netflix Parties online with me, Zoom hangouts, virtual happy hour where we share how to make our favorite cocktails... all sorts of online staying connected.

I felt really overwhelmed last night by my news overconsumption and being Too Online, so I temporarily deactivated all my social media (maybe that’s why you’re getting a novel here). It has felt nice today to disconnect from the world at large but stay connected with friends and family, and smaller pockets of online like you all here.

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Last night I watched 10 Things I Hate About You as a comfort. It came out when I was in HS and a great nostalgic distraction from all this. There were definitely things that didn’t age well but mostly I was happy to find it soothing and sweet

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I sewed reusable cloth surgical masks and ghost-wrote two op-eds, cleaned my whole house, and now I would like to stop being alone, thanks.

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Second dose of chemo coming up, my hair "finally" (?) just starting coming out today, and it's got me so incredibly down which feels just...wrong in this current climate. I'm terrified I'm not going to be able to afford meds or groceries, and since I live alone there's no one to really talk to during this about anything. I've been trying to keep upbeat, and for the most part I guess succeeding, but it's like waking up to hair on my pillow was the straw that broke my togetherness. At least for today. Is that stupid?

I have no idea what I'm going to do about anything. I lost my disability again months ago, and it doesn't look like social security is even working on reinstating people during this. IDK. I could really use some cheering up.

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Mar 21, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

My neighbor's kid has some kind of toy that makes a rooster sound effect. I hear it constantly. I'm hearing it as I type this. I will hear it when Gabriel blows his horn.

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I run an industry trade association for an industry that’s been shut down by coronavirus. I’ve worked past midnight every night this week and now I’m up at 5:30 AM because I can’t sleep thinking about what needs to be done today. All I wanted to do for this quarantine was take the time to practice a smoky eye and perfect my eyelash technique. 😭

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I already worked from home, my high school aged kids are both already in online programs, and my close friends are all elsewhere. So, in many respects my life hasn't changed much. I'm sort of comforted by everyone that has joined my way of life. That said, I had really good WFH habits that have gone to shit. And I feel frustrated by all of the "what great thing will you accomplish during the pandemic" content. Is gaining a bunch of weight a great thing, because that's definitely going to happen. On the upside, my family is having a zoom call today and I'm looking forward to it--and wondering if it's something we should have been doing all along.

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I don't know how I'm going to go back to my 2h round trip commute when this is over. I know lots of people have worse but wow, I have so much more time with my family right now, and I'm working out before 9pm, and I'm enjoying breakfast. It's a massive silver lining.

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Now offering: virtual babysitting! (Feel free to hit me up OR steal this idea, childless bored people)


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Hello rooster friends! The wonderful podcast Death, Sex, and Money has posted a "Pandemic Tool Kit" and challenged listeners to do one thing on it this weekend. Only 3 days of working from home in and I have lost track of what day it is SO I'm committing here to reupholstering the bottom of a chair that was scratched to shit by some very cute kittens. Weekend home improvement here I come!

Here's the link to the toolkit if you're interested: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1npe706TWTCzg9LzP_Jydso_w5rRbCxbwDQp-bUaB44E/edit#gid=141669114

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Ruthie Ann Miles announced that she is pregnant and I lefit cried tears of joy. I needed that news about a stranger.

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What an adorable rooster.

Going back to something you said in another newsletter, as a chronic daily drinker I am a bit concerned that supermarkets here seem to be only stocking up on basic needs, which does not include alcohol, which means every subsequent bottle of anything I get is going to be more expensive when I have no money. They're also only pulling stock for sauces/condiments and spices, for some reason? We're set on spices, but I go through a ton of BBQ sauce every week. Also it just seems weird to deny people tasty food. Spain as a country is pretty damn white but I mean... come on.

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Mar 23, 2020Liked by Nicole Cliffe

I don’t know if you can still at least lurk around Twitter, but this thread on Barrett’s Privateers is delightful.. https://twitter.com/shawnmicallef/status/1227236535575203840?s=21 if you’re feeling a little homesick...was always wondering why they would be yearning for the Eastern Townships of all places...

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Just as I was finally feeling like I was coming out of the anxiety and uncertainty of some health issues that occurred last fall and feeling more confident and capable this shit happens. Husband (pharmacist) and I (nurse) are still working. The pharmacies are absolute chaos now and he’s more stressed than usual (which is a ton normally). I work in peds at a private practice and it’s been crazy. I may need to decrease to part-time as they are adjusting their operating hours. Honestly, as much as I would like to be home with my pups, I really want to keep working. I like helping people and I’m good at it so I want to do it as long as possible.

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I recently stopped playing organ for a church, tiny farming town congregation of almost all 70+ year old retirees.

Good: They sent an email saying they’re joining with the neighboring town to do services by zoom

Bad: Further down in the email the pastor wrote “I know not everyone has computers so maybe you could invite a friend over to watch with you”


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I've got animal crossing! And now I'm trying to figure out how to do everything, because I haven't played this game since... middle school? Anyway, I'm having fun catching butterflies and fishing right now, and at least I've got that to keep me occupied while I stay inside. Anyone else out there playing any good games?

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We ordered a new refrigerator weeks ago, that is going to be delivered today. Due to the pandemic, we were informed the new protocol is they delivery guys will leave it at the front door or in the garage, but won't enter the house. It weighs 312 lbs. and there is a hallway and three steps down to our kitchen. This should be interesting...

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I never knew how much roosters needed ponytails until now!

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I can’t lie, I’ve been spending a lot of time on Twitter and Netflix, but I also picked up The Essex Serpent, which I think somebody recommended here a week or two ago (I could be wrong about that, time is increasingly elastic). It’s so beautifully-written, it’s a real treat, even though it’s dealing with an undercurrent of dread. It’s good to step away from the modern world (where my teenager is moving sloooooowly through the stages of grief still wants to go on spring break) and dwell on the natural world.

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I haven’t worked full time in 10ish years because of anxiety and depression & I am just not in a great place right now. I’m so tired of being afraid. (No advice please, I just need to be heard)

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I'm on government mandated quarantine since I just came back from being overseas (definitely a troubling end to my birthday trip...) and my housemate has been working from home which she hates doing. So it's nice for us to have a weekend fun time. I've just been wandering the house like a wife who's husband has gone to sea because I legally cannot go anywhere and have nobody to talk to during the weekday. I've done a lot of gardening... we've been playing Animal Crossing since Friday night though which has been a kind reprieve. I just miss human company, you know????

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They're scaling down public transportation next week so I'm going to have to get my partner to drive me to and from the hospital every day with both kids in the car. He's happy to do it but with my 7.30am-8pm shifts, I feel guilty anyway. Everything has changed so much in a few days, I don't know what will be next.

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This rooster has made my whole week. Thank you. This toddler ass hairdo sings in my HEART

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I participated in an online crossword puzzle tournament this afternoon and it was an absolute delight.

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