Derry Girls! I also shared it with my mom and she loved it! Have been having a hard time deciding which character I like best, as well as which episode. I'm leaning towards Sister Michael and the getting jobs episode.

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I LOVE Derry Girls. My husband instantly identified that I am a Clare, and I feel very seen. And Sister Michael is perfect.

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Derry Girls is just - amazing. So much so that all of my friends are apparently taking turns telling all of our friends about it, and now I get reminders from mates in England, and friends in Singapore, and everywhere in between. Also I've now seen all of it - twice - and Sister Michael at the wake wondering if she herself is actually dead is my favorite moment. No question.

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I love Derry Girls. It is so awesome to just have a show where the entire show revolves around the relationships of teenage girls with each other. Also Erin's parents are the best. Michelle may or may not be unhinged but, also my favorite. The trust fund scenes... dead

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That Adam Sandler bit is EVERYTHING and the pinnacle of his entire career and as someone who travels internationally on the regular, I love it more than the words in the English language can express.

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That kitty is my favorite Pet so far. She's tiny magic.

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You're back! Glad you had a nice vacation.

Annnd now I'm going to delete my address from my resume!!

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NICOLE, welcome back, we missed you.

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Welcome back! We (I) missed you but being present on vacation is an excellent practice. Good for you!

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Oooohhhh lease share that banana bread recipe! That is epic!!!

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Welcome back from Canada! Our country was 15% less enjoyable without you here. <3 u!

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