I temped for 6 months as the front desk person at a finance firm, it was mostly mind-numbingly boring and while I tried to make the best of it I don't have a ton of super fond memories of the place. But I do have one main one. We had a holiday gift exchange and a small cheese-and-crackers kind of thing when it was time to exchange them, and one of the brokers who was actually a really cool and nice guy, brought his guitar. He played bits of some Christmas songs then started playing random things, and just so happened to start the intro to Southern Cross.

Now, I'm definitely not in the usual age range to have grown up with that song, but my mom was a Huge CSN(Y) fan. Around 7th or 8th grade I became obsessed with their greatest hits CD, stole it from her car and refused to give it back for several months. But I haven't listened to them much since she passed. When he started playing that intro it was an instant jolt sending me back to my early teenage years and of course I still knew all the words. So in what was an otherwise really frustrating and not great time in my life I got to sing an impromptu duet of one of my mom's favorite songs with this guy at the office party and its such a bright and lovely memory for me.

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Alright SECULAR HUMANISTS (😉💖) I have a job interview at 2pm central that I am very much hoping will turn into a job offer and I would appreciate anyone and everyone’s good vibes sent to the universe on my behalf ❤️

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Ugh Nicole, 8 days!!! Our great grandmothers would be force-feeding you organ meats.

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Nicole may I suggest googling Raymond the mule as a cure for the tears? I can't post the link as I am a total ding dong but he is part of the wild horse herd in the Outer Banks and he is magnificent.

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This was an excellent newsletter. I'm still reeling over Nama!!

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It was very nice of your period to stick around until mine showed up (a few days late) so we could overlap as usual, but mine is here now, so yours can quit it now!

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Also the note-in-the-mailbox NIMBYism is actually hilarious that they think they can control the neighborhood nuisance of....babies existing. Our neighbors kindly lied to us and no doubt complained among themselves, like we do in polite society.

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